Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Must love dolls

Edit: Here it is: Reuben signing his ABCs double handed, fingerspelling and numbers:
Check out my brilliant miracle boy as introduced by Callum!

Not such a Bonne Maman BackBlip

The delightful morning is spent looking out over the sun-spilled garden through the patio doors, open wide to catch not an ounce of breeze. It's hot again. We eat breakfast this way and Callum sits with the matryoshka dolls brought back from Russia. Can they really be taking over Buzz, Woody and Thomas as Callum's favourite companions? Tune in next week for the latest episode.

"Oh Callum, you've still got the dolls!", says Mama. He's just come running in with them whilst I'm Blipping.
"Babies", corrects Callum.
"Oh sorry, babies". I stand corrected.

Yesterday was an extraordinary day for communication from both boys and, out with the video to capture this, I'm not sure I have much to show from my camera. I'll post a video link later of Reuben's extraordinary signing abilities. Be marvelled.

I'll be back to commenting and such soon (with apologies and thanks for your patience. I know we all live for our comments ;-)). For now, I've a wild animal birthday party to prepare for and I'm delighted to have taken the dive that we'll model rather than me photograph at the charity shoot for Children's Hospital on Thursday. Hurray for a rest from editing and a fabulous package of photos from many photographers to walk away with for the birthday boy.

PS You're going to see a lot of Callum this week. I'm celebrating the end of his Oneness

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