Plugging Away

By plugg

A Day of Two Halves

It being Tuesday, and not raining, I had the chance of a walk with my walking buddies.

The sun came out and cast shadows on the leafy forest floor and it was all utterly beautiful. I even caught sight of two deer in the woods. They crashed away through the branches and out of sight pretty quickly, but I was pretty chuffed to have spotted them at all.

Then this afternoon I went into WORK and got paid for being there, for the first time in 15 years.

By the time I got away and into a traffic jam to collect Guy from after-school Karate, and it was dark, and raining and I was wearing clippy cloppy shoes and smart trousers, it felt as though I was in a different life.

Without Blip and the opportunity to reflect on my blissful morning I might have forgotten it had ever happened.

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