Roly's Life

By Roly

Garden Day 2

And so it men are making excellant progress - I wish I could upload more than one picture but nevermind! It does all look a bit sparse now but that is a good thing.

As for the seepage? Quite fortuitously, I recenty replied to an email our solicitor sent just after we moved. In it he wanted to know what to do with various documents related to this house. I asked him to send them here and they arrived a couple of weeks ago. This means they are still on top of the filing cupboard rather than actually filed and therefore I was able to find the plan of the sewers...

Sadly it was only a plan of the public sewers and not our privately owned and therefore our responsibility sewers...

Anyway, the Drain Man who is really a Plumber has been and he hopes it is a buried manhole cover that is leaking because the drain is blocked and will be easy to clear. The good news is that it is just surface water and drainage from the washing machine, dishwasher and kitchen sink. Nice. He will however be back again tomorrow so he can look properly in the daylight...

BACKBLIP - I have not been on the laptop for ages so have been blipping from my phone, however this one was on my camera so has been waiting patiently...

Oh and Garden Day 1 (yesterday) is awaiting moderation so today may not make a lot of sense if it doesn't get through ;-)

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