In Tru Life

By TruLife

Organisation! Love it!

I am so so pleased with the girls' room and it already looks great, and with the new loft bed coming on Friday, it'll look even better! I'm going to make my own stencils with laminating sheets... so much cheaper and I can make them exactly as I want them. Has anyone ever used No More Nails and would it be recommended for sticking the MDF letters of their names on to the wall? I'm keen to be sure it'll be safe as I think the baby's ones will be over her cot!

I particularly love this shelf unit and boxes - which had to be constructed individually! I LOVE feeling organised, and when I manage it, it makes me feel so happy! I guess everyone's like that really, a tidy house, a tidy mind an' all that!

The downside to sharing rooms is when you're baby sister's body clock is still on the old time, and decides to wake screaming at 5 .30 two days in a row, you kinda miss your sleep! A very sensitive Madeleine spent the day being terribly over sensitive with friends and subsequently p*****g them right off! I feel really sorry for her as her grumpy behaviour is so because of lack of sleep... I know the feeling! I've also realised I've been missing Flori's afternoon bottle for a couple of days as it slipped my mind as we were so busy. I thought oh she's ok to drop that now, so I won't fuss too much about it! But it may have caused her to wake up early... hungry! She also had an early (not for her little body clock) number 2 nappy so that's what woke her. Hopefully tomorrow morning will be better.

We managed to get to toddlers but only caught the last 30 minutes as they decided to pack up early. I had let Flori have a sleep as she was sooooo tired so arrived late. I couldn't see her missing her morning sleep out today, as sometimes happens on toddlers' days!

The afternoon was spent at the club and we had tea there and did some homework with a very frowny Madeleine.

Hopefully tomorrow we'll all be refreshed and happy-go-lucky!! Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaase!

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