Joe's Blips

By joesblips


It was "cracker's" blip featuring the fire engine which inspired this, so you know where to lay the blame. Now, I have tried many things during my lifetime. Ask me to fix your car, or turn you a nice timber bowl, or build you a cabinet, or even shoot your portrait or your wedding, but DO NOT EVER ask me to do anything which involves the words water or plumbing. You WILL be left with a leaky whotsit!

"Cracker's" shot reminded me though of something, even I would believe to be beyond my scope to do. Witness the sideways tap!! I kid you not. This is in the scullery of an old house. On the left you can just see the chain of a cistern which has no loo attached. Strange!, yes, but not as curious as the tap. Can anyone tell me why any crackpot plumber should have fitted this so that if turned on full blast it becomes a window washer. Mmmmm, perhaps THAT WAS the reason after all.

Thanks "cracker" for reminding me about this piece of loopiness!

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