
By Chaos

Analog Time Machine

More household wanderings with Mr. Fish-eye.

Time.... Hmmmm, unfortunately, this came to mind:

Time After Time

after my picture fades and darkness has
turned to gray
watching through windows--you're wondering
if I'm OK
secrets stolen from deep inside
the drum beats out of time--

if you're lost you can look--and you will find me
time after time
if you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting
time after time

~Cyndi Lauper~

I don't think Cyndi Lauper is quite Old School. I really don't know what she is.

But with Rod Stewart and David Bowie being Old School I thought maybe I was getting to be Old School!


I can't be Old School, I'm just stuck in time, stuck in the 80s. Yea, that's it! I'm stuck in the 80s.

But is that Old School?

glowing greenery


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