
By mandygf

...the eyes mummy....

.. he has a thing for eyes, a wiered fascination.... always the eyes....

he's alot better today, took him to the doctor yesterday, couldn't handle another night with non-stop coughing but surprise surprise... they wouldn't give me anything... so went & got something myself & he slept like a log.... should have taken some myself.....

the teen has got into the Christmas show, will be singing solo for 3 nights... don't know how I feel about that... just don't want her to get up there & see all those faces staring at her & get stage fright.... why is being a parent so hard, you want them to do well but you want to protect them at the same time.... well all I can do is hope she's fine... she's determined she wants to do this, so we'll see....

...still feeling grotty... it seems to be yoyoing.... & I just can't seem to get enough sleep... feel like I could sleep for a week.....

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