between jobs...

By betweenjobs

The Dalek?

Final day of the NZ trip, so it seemed natural to stop at the parliament buildings in Wellington to bid the country farewell.

Arrived late afternoon to a small crowd of supporters and protestors waiting for Hilary Clinton to emerge from meetings with the NZ government. There were the usual selection of anti-war protestors and related campaigners, along with the flag waving "we love Hilary" supporters. Hung around for 45 minutes or so, to see her emerge, but got a little hungry so left before she came out - what a great photo-journalist I would make?!

The buildings are a little bit of a mix - on the right the Parliament Library built in 1899, in the centre, Parliament House which was designed in two sections, but the second stage was never built and on the right the Beehive (as it is known), although I think it looks more like the top third of a Dalek!

Anyway, thank you NZ - it's been a great break. Wellington to Auckland tomorrow morning and then back to the UK.

[Thank you all for taking me in along the way - B&J (hope the hols are going well), R&D (hope you enjoyed Sydney), A&A (good luck with no. 2), D&R (hope you get your house back soon), W&B (hope you get your house sorted soon) and R&K (good luck tomorrow - K you will do wonderfully). As always, you are all v. welcome whenever you make it to the UK]

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