Them Muddy Knees

Wednesdays are our crazy days. It's a long day at kindergarten for my daughter, I work, she had violin lessons after school, my husband spends the evening at the fire station after coming home from his regular job. It's a good day if I can manage to throw some things into the slow cooker before leaving the house, but mostly on Wednesdays I'm just keeping my head above water getting all of us fed and where we're supposed to be on time. Which usually leaves little time for photographs.

We woke up to see a beautiful frost had covered everything. But by the time I fed my daughter, packed our lunches, showered (yes! I even got in a shower today!), got her and myself dressed, met the teacher for a before-school conference, came back home, emptied the dishwasher, made some phone calls, and headed off to work...well, the frost was starting to melt.

There was one last patch of frost in a shady spot on a baseball field I passed on the way to work. I ended up wearing muddy knees for the rest of the day -- the one reminder that I wasn't completely on autopilot all day.

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