From the North

By Tawastian


Must be the strangest - but certainly the rarest - Pokémon card I've ever had. I never guessed there could be a Pokémon called Blip before this day. It's a grass Pokémon, it has HP of 50 and it has two attacks that are Sprout and New entry.

But why is Blip a grass Pokémon? Maybe it's because we sprout our photos here and let other people around the world see them. It's like sprouting our views and worlds to the others - that's the power of Blip!

300 blips... Wow, I never thought I'd get this far but what happened? I did it. And I did this blip just because Blipfoto is the most fabulous photo journal there ever was.

Well, my 100th blip was about Pokémon too - I'm a little childish, I know, but I just wanted to do it because the idea was funny. My 200th was such a correct one. And this, my 300th, is a pokémonized one as like my 100th. Let's see what's going to happen in next 65 days. :)

Some epic music

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