Club 107

By club107

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Number 1 son has reverted back to sniffy nose mode and that means that he has to be in an inclined position to breath properly. Madame didn't sleep very well. Rather annoyingly for her, I did. Oops.

I spent 20 minutes trying to get a shot, which hopefully weather permitting I'll get tomorrow. Too much wind tonight to capture a colour which has been outside the window for years but which I have never really seen before.

Making heavy going of some stuff at work but finally got there. Our team is complete in just over two weeks. Two French, two Germans, one Polish person and a Scot. Really looking forward to being a six piece.

In the meantime, the question while waiting for still weather is, what in the blazes is this nonsense tonight. Seriously, combining several of my favourite things. Answer later. It really isn't that tricky.


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