Stealth House

By StealthHouse

MVHR Air Handling Unit

This is the first 'plant' to go into, yes, the Plant Room.

And no, for all of those who often wonder what the 'Plant Crossing' road sign means, it's not of the triffid variety.

MVHR stands for Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery.

Basically, hot air from the bathrooms, utility room and kitchen is drawn out of the building and lovely fresh clean air is drawn in from outside (assuming, of course, that a neighbour is not having a bonfire).

Where the two pass, heat is exchanged so that the cold air from outside is tempered by heat extracted from the outgoing hot stale air - and ne'er the twain do meet.

Our system was installed by Adam, Mark and Gavin of VentRite (Tel: 0845-467-9197) and we were most impressed with their professionalism and standard of work.

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