In Tru Life

By TruLife

Swimming Day!

This morning I had a lovely chat with a really lovely friend who made me feel soooooo much better about some things which have really been playing on my mind. I'm so appreciative of good friends, and I try to let them know this as much as I can. My good friends are so important to me.

After my playground chat, Floriana and I went to baby swimming class where she thoroughly quite enjoyed being dunked and loved smiling at me while I did my swim with her in front of me in her large rubber ring. I push her along in between strokes and it gives me a chance to get a swim! The baby pool was lovely and warm though and we stayed in there chatting to swim friends for ages before nipping into the cold changing room to get dressed as quick as we could.

Maddy had a trampolining lesson this afternoon and then we took the car to the garage for it's MOT tomorrow, where hubby/daddy was waiting to take us home! Kiddies in bed, I'm having a 2 lovely glasses of wine and going to get a bit of TV watching in, if I can help from falling asleep on the sofa!!!

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