
By JulietLimaDelta

Memory Lane

I had a trip down memory lane tonight. Very nearly 25 years ago I joined the Air Training Corps with 1211 Swadlincote Sqn and I spent 4 glorious years with them. Next year is the 70th Anniversary of the Ait Training Corps & to mark the event an ex cadet is writing the history of the Squadron. I went to have a chat with her tonight to give her my memories. Whilst I was there I was shown a book that the Commanding Officer kept of when the squadron took on the Pennine Way.

This entry amused me, ?When we reached the top of the plateau, most of us collapsed in a heap gasping for breath, except of course Cpl Joanne Dane who was busy berating a hair which had the temerity to go out of place on her usually immaculate coiffure.?

I?d forgotten all about this, I had a reputation for always having a comb with me & every time we stopped, off came my beret and my hair was combed. I seem to remember being given a pack of combs at the end of year presentation.

I?ve come away with a memory stick full of old photos, so as soon as I?ve browsed some blips, I?ll be reminiscing for an hour or so!

It?s been about 6 years since I last caught up with 1211 & I?ve vowed I won?t leave it so long next time.

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