Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Last Wild Rose of the Season

Today was overcast all day, at least I didn't see the sun come out. I was busy with so many things today, but I set aside my lunch hour for a new experience. Our insurance has opted to pay for us to attend Weight Watcher meetings, so I decided to join. I waited for someone else to put a group together at our work site, but it just didn't happen. So, I took the bull by the horns and called the WW leaders, found out how to set it up, and made the arrangements. I emailed all the staff, and the response was pretty good. We had 15 people attend the first meeting. Afterward, another 4 people said they wanted to join. I hope everyone stays with it so we can encourage each other. I know I would feel much better if I lost weight.

The great thing is, I found out the Curry Sweet Potato Pork Stew I have been making all along is only 6 points for a 1 1/2 cup serving. I think writing down everything you eat and following a few guidelines just might help. My daughter lost 70 pounds on Weight Watchers about 6 years ago. She has still maintained her weight, even after having a baby. Now, she is due to have a little boy in December, and I know she will use the WW diet to lose the weight again.

I searched around in my yard for a blip after work, and it was getting dark fast. I found this rose that was a little past the " bloom of youth", to quote a phrase from the Bible, but it still had some beauty to it. And, there was a little rosebud next to it. Hopefully the rosebud will get to bloom before the frost comes. The photo isn't as clear as I would like, but I think it has a little nostalgic look about it.

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