Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Brick Wall

I'm really anti-anal retentive.
Tomorrow Blipland starts uploading the data imbedded in my camera to make absolutely certain that my crappy little blips are uploaded for the same day that they were taken. Never mind if I shot the picture at 11:59 pm EST and by Greenwhich time I am 4:59 AM. Suppose it's Summer vacation and now not only do I have to worry about drinking too much, I also have to really keep track when I back post. It's OK. I mean I'm always threatened with being piss tested at work, and I became very nervous today passing a state trooper doing 61mph in a 55mph zone. I live in an anal retentive world of uptight rule mongers. As an example Dr P and L made pies last week for the Skyline Band to sell in order to raise money. Dr P and L volunteered away their whole Saturday morning. Towards the end of the day some of the band auxiliary ladies were upset because the edges of the pie crusts looked home made. Well surprise surprise! They are home made pies!
Anyway tomorrow blip gets more anal retentive.
I expect that my camera will screw me out of a blip or two maybe on leap year. Maybe I'll get lazy and just blip when I feel the urge.
I still love you all.


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