Life & times of the B-H's

By SarahOberon

owl experience...

Stuart got an Owl Experience voucher for Christmas last year and has only just been able to use it! However that was plus as it was really quiet at the Hawk Conservancy near Andover. It is the end of their season so they have all the birds in training out. Stuart had what turned out to be a 1 on 1 morning with all the owls which he loved! I have so many pictures but this was about Stuart and his day with the owls so here it is.

Both grandmothers joined me and alfie and we all had a lovely (if soggy) time. We watched 2 amzing displays of owls, hawks, a secratary bird, a cara cara, vultures and an eagle. Alfie was beside himself with excitement. He loved the secratary bird killing the 'snake' and the hawk eating it treat of a chick! Then all the other birds around the centre. Unfortunately it got too wet before the owl display and we were shattered. We had a little private display watching Stuart fly the owls earlier though including the Little Owl Achilles who was so cute.

more birds of prey

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