Scotts Journey

By Scottishwoody

Christmas Pot Noodle?

Happy Guy Fawkes Night everyone!

Unfortunately I was working until 7pm tonight so didn't have time to go to any displays, that would have made an awesome blip, but now that I think about it, everyone is probably blipping fireworks, so how about I skip forward to the next big event ... Christmas.

Could you imagine my delight when I saw this Christmas Dinner flavoured Pot Noodle in Asda the other day, I just had to try it!

I didn't need to play about with the colour, but the red against the grey background looks good, if you dont have the iPhone app Coloursplash, I recommend it, I did this on my iPhone!

So what can I dedicate this one too? Hmm?

To Pot Noodle!

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