Planko's Pics

By planko

Bridge over the river Tay

Every time I've tried to take a blip of fireworks since i got the new camera in the summer it has rained. Tonight was no exception. Absolutely chucking it down before and during the Council fireworks, so we didn't bother going, then it cleared up about 20 minutes later. Typical!

So, as i didn't have anything in the bag today, i had to go out. Went across to Fife, as one of the guys in work wanted to know if the last oil rig was gone. He bought some shares for next to nothing, and now they are worth a reasonable amount, and expected to jump when the rig moves.

He was telling me that other investors had been viewing the Dundee City WebCam so much (so they could see if the rig had moved) that they crashed it.

Its still there, and there's no sign of the two tugs that would normally help move it, so my money is on it not being high tide tonight when it goes.

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