My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8


I sat writing in wet gravel today.

It was in a marquee, at a Christmas Fair at Doddington Hall, but the water rose, and my chair was standing in it. Being a Venetophile it did not worry me. I have eaten there in 3 - 6 inches of water quite often.

I find it funny when I arrive at these things, ( I have only done 6) as people look at me set my stuff out, and think, what a waste of space, a few old labels and cards and other things with writing on.

Then an hour later, they have all gone by and had a good look and start asking (& paying)
for me to do names and dedications for them.
Some just want an initial, some a whole sentence. But they seem to love to see their words come from a pen.
It is the exact opposite of when I was a young person, then it was amazing to see a machine do it. Printers! Attached to a computer, spitting out words. Wow.... so impressive. Bit old hat now. I now get the same magic reaction from writing with ink made from soot from China, and Japan, scratched out with a steel nib.

I am a very disorganised person, and regret not spending a few hours every few days to make so much more for that stand. The time is right for this sort of thing, and I could have done so much better and more fully.
But it was a great day. A lovely lot of other 'Makers'.. I seem to have made a very encouraging and energetic new friend from amongst them in the last few weeks. Something might come of this wet but amusing day. If she can't get me going nothing will.

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