Zone Tracy

By zonetracy

Geese on the Move

Today at lunchtime I walked a little further from my building and found more colorful leaves, pine cones, geese and even a dandelion gone to seed with all the whirly-ma-gigs still intact. The geese won the blip today.

On my way back to work I discovered by accident while looking through my view finder that colors are much brighter with just my right eye vs with just my left eye. I'm sure if someone had been walking toward me they might have thought I had something in my eyes...

close the right eye open the left eye
look at the colorful tree
close the left eye open the right eye
look at the colorful tree - thinks this seems more vibrant
close the right eye open the left eye
looks at the colorful tree - not so bright

and on and on several more times...

I tried this again after work but the effect was not the same... very strange indeed.


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