The Quietest Seat in the House...

Bethany was at a late-ish birthday party at the local Brewers Fayre today so Ewan and I decided to sit in and sample their wares.

We were ushered into a round extension area of the restaurant which was full but for the one table we chose. When we sat down, I feared it was going to be us in the middle of a bunch load of noisy tables but as we looked around, the background noise from the restaurant didn't raise any.

Turns out, the 5 or so tables of about 15 people, were all hard of hearing and were almost exclusively using sign language. There was loads of conversations going on around us and across tables and the room but I couldn't catch a single word. It was most bizarre.

I always thought it would be cool to learn sign language. It looks like a very elegant form of communication.

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