Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Dense dry foliage underfoot

A very bright, clear day with sharp scenic views.
A walk around Whitekirk and Tyninghame woods.

I'm wondering how I will move, if ever, from my limited PSE palette that I use. I do really enjoy playing with the photos I take, tarting them up, but I do aspire to one day trying some portraiture. Not yet though. Yesterday I ventured out to part B & W and the rest colour, very weird it was too. Today it was dry brush and then taken back in for more dry brush treatment. I feel I'm living it up in my old age.

Last night I woke at around 2.30am and when I was still awake at 3.30am I knew it was time to put the light on and get a drink.
At this point in the proceedings I usually read a bit and last night I thought I'd have a look at the local paper I sometimes buy.
Now, I've never before looked at the Sheriff Court reports but started reading them.
I couldn't believe a man driving over from Glasgow to East Lothian to steal a length of underground cable and as I read on I started laughing a bit.
By the time I came to the story of the man running out of the supermarket with a laden basket I was absolutely creased up, and by the way his charge included the theft of the shopping basket.
I have never laughed so much for such a long time.
In the light of day I tested these tales out on Ronnie and Donald. Not funny at all apparently.
Perhaps I was tiredness drunk. I certainly know now that that part of the paper will always be read through the night from now on.

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