
I checked the definition of logistics: "the detailed organisation and implementation of a plan or operation". I cannot imagine what the plan was here, at 10 am on a Sunday morning in Leith.

I was heading up to the Kirkgate to pick up a car club car and I was transfixed by this sight - three stationary juggernauts nose to tail along Queen Charlotte Street, totally blocking it. The driver was not in the first truck as he appeared to be helping the third truck to reverse across Constitution Street at the traffic lights. They were correct in thinking that they couldn't have really progressed any further through the maze of narrow cobbled streets and sharp corners - but how they ever got to this stage is a mystery. Perhaps they were using sat nav!

About ten minutes later I saw them trundling back up Leith Walk.

Edit: I just noticed my first one-year-ago thumbnail - that's so useful, it reminds me it's high time I sent in my seed order!

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