
This picture reflects how I felt about the majority of today.

Last night as I was drifting into blissful and much desired sleep, I was hauled out of it and back into the crappy, hungover wakefulness I'd been desperate to leave behind all day. My brain had dug out a vague memory of having to attend something or other on the 7th of November.

First aid course!

Oh how I lay there almost crying at the thought of having to get up early and go to some grotty community high school, sit in a smelly classroom with chewing gum covering the carpets and with no heating on for six hours.

All I wanted to do was stay in bed until 9am or something...........

I now have a first aid certificate and some grim photographs of outside the school that I took whilst waiting for K and J to pick me up.

J told me tonight whilst doing his homework and with the tiniest of guilty smiles that one of his friends has been trying to get him to say tish backwords.

"I did it mum........but I didn't mean to.........he tricked me"!

"he wanted me to say park backwards too but I knew what he was up to by then".

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