Polaroid Blips

By PolaroidBlips

Bread and clam

Spain Road Trip, day 7, Santillana del Mar

First of all, 200 days in a row... Phew, never thought I'd make it, but one day at a time and keeping a relaxed attitude made it much easier than you'd think.

This time, I'd already gave up on getting a milestone-related photo when, during dinner, I noticed the clam (I think) shell on the plate. Before the waiter collected it, I quickly built a "2" with bread and snapped a couple of shots.


Now, about the trip...

All this week, we've had great luck with the weather, with much more sun and much less cold than we were predicting.

Today morning, though, just as we were taking our bags from the hostel to the car, a heavy rain fell over Bilbao. The dark clouds then followed us to our next stop, Santillana del Mar.

But this small medieval village is full of ancient stone houses and cobbled streets, so the grayish weather suits it well. I took lots of pictures in black & white and they came out much, much better than I expected. When I get back home, I'll have to try and do a black & white week.

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