The Chaos Bros

By vik

Roof or Lack Of...

Monday mornings are not my favourite part of the week but this one surpassed most.

Bros 1&2 were rudely awoken by loud banging noises early this morning as the wind won a battle with the roof tiles. I came into the kitchen to see my husband climbing onto the roof to investigate. The look on his face said it all really, oh & the tiles lying on the path by the back door gave me further clues if I hadn't already worked out we had a slight problem! The banging noise has continued all day and is disconcerting to say the least.

Wind 1 - Roof Tiles 0

Roof man came out this afternoon, had a look, showed me what had gone wrong & where the rest was likely to lift off if the wind doesn't calm a bit. Marvellous. I could see bits of it lifting in the wind as we stood looking at it. So needs must & he'll be on the job first thing tomorrow while I go the bank and utilise the handy overdraft facility.

Surely things have to improve as the week goes on?

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