Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam


Go large to see the lovely texture. Feathers are one of nature's little wonders.

Today a half hour journey to work took one and half hours. Heaven alone knows what was the hold up but fate, traffic lights, breakdowns and rain conspired to make me late.

I don't know about you but when I have a day that starts like that it seems to go steadily down hill. Fortunately I learned long ago that if the Gods of Fate decide that it's your turn for one of those days you might as well give in and embrace the crap.

So today I have been mostly embracing crap. However, by embracing it I managed to have a fulfilling and productive day and fortunately I love my job...having one of those days in a job you hate must be a real bummer.

Anyway, as I came out to my car this afternoon in the pouring rain and freezing cold there was a feather stuck to my windscreen so I liberated it and dried it out. It's very pretty and slightly green but too big to be a greenfinch feather. It *looks* like a feather from a green woodpecker but I couldn't be sure. The practice I was in today is in the centre of Northampton but is opposite the race course which has lots of trees so I suppose a woodpecker is not beyond the realms of possibility.

And just in case the Gods of Fate decide to crap all over you tomorrow I'll leave you with a quote by William Feather, the American publisher and author.

One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.

I guess today was an adventure :-)

And did you see what I did there? This Blip was brought to you by tenuous blip links R us

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