Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Sat in my high chair, I spy mummy eating too,
I lean over, have a sniff, yummmm smells gooood,
Now to trick mummy into letting me try it,
plan a .. throw all my tea on floor...
plan a fails as food returns to tray
plan b .. throw all food at mummy,
here you try it, more yummy then yours,
plan b fails as food goes else were,
hmmmmmm time for serious action,
hang about....strain, sigh, go red....
ahhhh now mummy's moving.....
on the floor I go,
right part 2 of plan c, needs to be in place fast,
before she realises she was conned....
back turned, I spy a plate,
quick shuffle, yes..the plates mine,
shove it in, smells soooo yummy,
urgh hang on...my poor tongue...
oh my, must remove tongue,
tongue on fire.......phhewyyyyyyyyyyyyy,
oops, spotted, er yea mummy,
I didn't realise you were a fire eater on the side,
Oh sod this, time for round 2.....
hmmmm not so bad now,
come on I can do this,
yes thats better, Oh sorry mummy was this your tea?
Oh well mine now.....!!! thank you!!

this was fernie whilst mummy was blipping!

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