A Break from Convention...

.....at the Festy Theatre tonight with Owen, Charlie, Pete and Fi for the Breakin' Convention; a celebration of Hip Hop dance theatre. I dressed appropriately in business suit, tie, leather brief case and company ID card....I seemed to be drawing curious stares from spotty youths wearing baggy jeans at their knees and woolly bunnets back to front. I enjoyed the show as I always do and I felt moved to shout Bravo and throw roses on the stage at the end.

Elsewhere, breaking news that cousin Peter has been accepted on a visa for a year in Canadadadada. He only has to swear allegiance to a stuffed brown bear whilst whipping a mounty and he's in. Good luck Pedro....great times.

Elsewhere, elsewhere, we received a letter from the Cooncil Education Department to say that Owen's poem entry in the Green Pencil Competition has been short-listed with 19 others from over 1000 entries, drawn from Edinburgh schools. There'll be a final winner announced on Friday 22nd at the Cooncil chambers; Owen and two others are invited to attend.....how exciting. I'll publish his poem after the final.

Just for a change, I think I'll go and work in London tomorrow.

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