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Took Poppy for her injections today.. Unfortunately as we were called there was a powercut and the vaccines were no longer viable in the refrigerator... Well that's what we were told. A case of her being saved by the bell or was Poppy in control and responsible for the failure of the electricty. Does she have kinetic psychic powers and did she decide that she just wasn't having the immunizations today :)

Managed to go back to Elsedamm on this flat, grey, overcast afternoon and shoot more scenes under the bridge.

"The distant echo -
Of faraway voices boarding faraway trains
To take them home to
The ones that they love and who love them forever
The glazed, dirty steps - repeat my own and reflect my thoughts
Cold and uninviting, partially naked
Except for toffee wrappers and this mornings paper." Paul Weller

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