Glows In The Dark

This was taken around 1am. And I forgot to take a blip today. It's only 11:16 now so technically I have the time to. But not the energy since I went to the gym with Caitlyn and Jenn today. So you are all stuck with a blip that was technically yes taken today. However if you consider a day from when you wake up to when you go to sleep I suppose it was yesterday. But hey, technicality is what counts here.

So there it is for the second day in a row! Fort Happiness glowing in the dark. AJ and I were wide awake while the other two slept. Our fort glows. It's still up now. It's just that fabulous.

4days :)

"Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering."
-Paulo Coehlo

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