B&W 100 #8: Meter Light, Choose Exposure

I'm so not good with the technical side of photography. Just hearing about tech-related stuff gives me a "nosebleed" (a colloquial expression here used when someone  complains about something too difficult to comprehend). Nonetheless, I try whenever I can to learn something techy in the hope to get better photos.

Today, I was supposed to get an accurate reading of the light by taking readings from important areas of the scene (deepest shadow, brightest sunlight, etc). I didn't totally understand Mr. Milton's (guide book author) instruction so what I did instead was experiment with the metering. As with the exposure, I played with it during post-process.

I need to read and practice more on this metering stuff to get a better photo than this the next time.

p.s. here's B&W #7

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