
By craftynini

'Dusty, Dirty Day'

After the high of yesterday's 100th celebration, I have been brought back down to reality and now had the task of sorting through this horrid pile of dust (should read - cheerios, bits of dog bickie, dust mites, 4 different types of human hair + dog and cat hair, dead skin and other unidentifiable bits).

Open Doorsucked up my earing with the hoover 3 days ago. He has very kindly allowed me to take on the task of finding it!

I took on this challenge with vigour and looked upon it in a positive manner. I found my earing (unbent), I found the near side wing mirror from Joe's Playmobil ambulance and I also cleaned all the filters and hover bits.

As far as this picture goes, I'm particularly proud of the way I captured the hairy clumps wedged into the filter on the right hand side!

Who says I'm a miserable, negative, crabby cow now?

p.s Many, many thanks to everyone who look at and commented on yesterdays blip. Ta for the favourites too. I was and still am really, really chuffed to bits.. .. Ta x

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