365 With The 7D

By snafilter

My Ballerina

Fantastic morning today! My ballerina actually came and woke me up because today is Tuesday and she has her ballet class (it's tap as well but that never gets mentioned! :)!

She loves her ballet and dancing in general and from what I am told she's pretty good at it (clear indication that she is going to be like her mom and not like yours truly).

On a technical, photography journey note; I am glad that I got away from shooting strictly with the 50mm (on a 1.6 sensor so more like 70ish). I asked my "model" to stand right outside the door, in the shade out of direct sunlight. She was moving around a bit, wanting to do her ballet moves, and so I bumped the ISO to 400 and shutter speed to 1/160th. I really wish I could have shot at a lower ISO but the lowest f stop on this lens is 5.6 at that focal length and so what are you going to do...roll with it.

Wifey, honey...if you're reading...if I had a 70-200 f/2.8L (IS please) there would be stars, a rainbow and a unicorn around our ballerina just because of the lens!! :)

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