nogbad's blips

By nogbad

Holding fast

Remember this blip in August? Well here I'm standing in the same place but "standing" suggests a stability which really wasn't possible. I'm not a small bloke but gusts of wind were pushing me about so taking a decent shot wasn't easy. These birds were hanging in the air kept up by the wind and the water on the road was from the waves splashing over - though a shower blew in while I was there.

The clouds were scudding along at a good rate so there were patches of sunshine and a rainbow. I loved the patches of sunlight on the sea but went with this image because there was so much happening. Most of the birds are little gulls but in the bottom right hand corner there is something different which I've not identified yet. I like the wave shape formed by the birds and overall I'm happy to have found this shot.

Try it in big

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