All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Hmmmm - does it ever stop raining Mum?

Yes, another rainy, but busy day here in Livingston!

Ethan slept in till 7am (although was up once during the night, but hubbie settled him again quickly). He chattered away to himself for 1/2 hour before I went through to him, to find him sitting bolt upright in his cot, playing with a blanket he'd managed to pull off the stool and through the cot bars!

By the time we'd had a lazy breakfast and a bit of playtime, we then had a mad dash to Broxburn to go to Bounce & Tickle. MissusB and Mrs42 were both there and we went for a cuppa with them and some other mummies afterwards. The plan was to feed Ethan while we were out, however he fell asleep in his pushchair so I had to feed him bits of sandwiches while we whizzed back over to Livingston for our weekly PEEP class. He decided to show off his newly acquired crawling skills while we were there - it was hard to keep him sitting still! Then, a quick trip to The Centre and back home in time for dinner.

Phew - I need a sit down after all that today!

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