Robbie's Roots

By robertfelton


Not the greatest of days.

First thing this morning had an email from a well known on-line warehouse informing me that my purchase wasn't posted on Saturday as promised and that unfortunately they were having difficulty getting more stock. They promised a new delivery date of ....... the 17th of December .... yes DECEMBER!! Funny that when I ordered it they had 24 in stock, needless to say I cancelled my order.

Off to work, start up the PC and find database is corrupted - fixable but corrupted. That just about set the tone for the rest of the day, faffed about and didn't get a lot done.

By the time I finished time was short and light was poor so I resorted to Longholme Lake because I knew there would be something there to blip. Another Cygnet I'm afraid - this particular bird is always alone, unlike the other family on the Lake (M&F and 4 cygnets), but does seem to be doing OK for itself.

On a technical note I was quite pleased with the general quality considering the poor light and ISO setting of 800. At least there was a good end to the day :)

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