Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Just love her to bits
even when she wakes me at 3am yelling,
when she decides to shove me off my chair because she wants it,
even when she throws the biggest strop for no reason,
even when she is frowning at me just because,
when she shakes her head, defiantly when told no,

I love it when she snuggles in tight, saying awww,
Love it when she grabs a finger & takes a walk,
When she waddles aimlessly before landing on her bottom with a thud,
love it when she looks up and smiles, before saying mama,
Love it when she hands me a toy, says ta, wanting to share,
when she leans in for a sloppy wet kiss, missing by a mile,
and ends up biting my nose,

My precious daughter, couldn't ask for anything more in this world.

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