Blip Journals #10 sweet_last_bites_now!
I want it ALL and I want it now! This was meant to be a little treat for #1 Daughter when she comes home for the weekend, for #2 Daughter I will find somrthing lactose and citrus free!
I linked to chocaddict's Journal today (she's done a really quirky shot of our dear Queen, the Royal one not the band!). The reason was that our little supermarket re-opened after several days of refurbishment and they had restocked my favourite type of Turkish Delight. It's a thin square of chocolate-covered treat, a copy of an After Eight Mint. They've been missing for weeks!
Anyhow, I had already picked up the traditional icing sugar coated cubes as R may like that better.
I have had my last bite!
I have had my last bite!
I HAVE .....
.... hurry up, girls, get yourselves here before it all goes!
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