Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Accidents happen.

Imagine the following scenario... You've been busy for a couple of weeks so haven't had chance to cut your Boy's hair. You're both heading out to a friend's flatwarming in an hour so he kindly asks if you can do it before you go out. It'll only take 5 minutes with the clippers so you can't really say no. Everything's set up, you've talked about which number guard you're using (4 for the top, 2 to neaten up the back), you remember the blades need oiled so you've taken the guard off and oiled them.

You're starting front and centre because you've done it hundreds tens of times before so it doesn't really matter where you start. The blades whirr, you take a strip up the centre of his head and then a look of horror falls over your face. Panic rises, you don't know whether to laugh or cry. The Boy sees this and is beginning to wonder if he's bleeding but it's worse than that.... you forgot to put the guard back on!

Yup, I took a nice big unguarded strip off the Boy's head and when it's right up the centre, there's no going back but to continue on and cut it all unguarded. Thankfully The Boy is a forgiving kind and took the view of "it'll grow back", he even gathered the hair up whilst I was cutting and made a little hamster to lighten the mood.

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