Up North

By Carwij

Late Ducklings check up nr.4.

Three times a week R. goes to 'Beatrixoord' for his cardio fitness training. Since he's able to drive a car by himselfe and me moving to my new house, I haven't accompanied him in the last week. After everything that has happened in the past few months, I now find that life is starting to get back to 'normal', eventhough I find it hard to relax mentally because of the total disorder indoors after moving.
But what does it matter, the important thing is to enjoy every moment that has been given to us. To be together and enjoy life!

Today we went together and while he was doing his training I made a stroll around the training centre to check the late ducklings I promissed to follow up. They had grown!

This evening we had a meeting with Benjamin's (12) school mentor. it was not a great conversation. Benjamin's behavior at school starts to be disturbing. So far, his behavior at school never caused problems. I'm affraid that my lack of attention for him in the last few months is taking its toll. I feel like loosing grip......

Marc (16) Is in London for a school excursion!

Late Ducklings nr.1.

Late Ducklings nr.2.

Late Ducklings nr.3.

The Family

En Profile

He (or she) looks lovely embiggened :-)

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