Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax


The cold/virus, or whatever it is, has taken full hold today. I headed out for my usual photographic walk, figuring that fresh air and the sunshine would do me good. In fact, it was warmer outside than indoors. I really must do something about all those broken windows. :-) Just kidding.

My intention was to reshoot some of the shots I took yesterday but, as is so often the case, it was something new that won out and also the penultimate shot of the day. Isn't it funny how that works?

I saw these ferns at the side of a house on Post Street and visualized what they would look like shot in the high contrast B&W mode. The shot turned out exactly as I expected. I really do like this mode. Admittedly, there isn't the same kind of control as when shooting RAW but the results are pleasing to look at and can be used virtually straight out of the camera.

As one of life's tweakers, these shots are subjected to a bit of dodging and burning in Photoshop CS3 but that is all the tweaking I do.

I think ferns are amazing plants for their longevity. They have been with us for around 360 million years and it was decaying ferns and other plant matter that led to the formation of coal during the Carboniferous period. And just think of the impact coal had on the Industrial Revolution and the creation of our modern world.

Apologies to anyone who believes the Earth is only 6,000 years old but ferns do tell a different, and more accurate, story.

Right, it is time for my next dose of Advil.

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