Life thru a lens

By mintfree

And it was

Had quite a few photos in mind for yesterday but chose this one for its arty-farty-ness...

The other contender would have led nicely into my blip for was a shot of a bus driver standing on his chair speaking over the glass bit that protects him from dodgy customers, trying to control the pushing and shoving that happens every night with certain buses. Bit like the tube but of course here, the driver can't shut the doors while dozens of people are still squeezing themselves onto the bus! It's laughable really....

And so was my journey home! Left work in good time to catch my regular bus to the station, and when it didn't show....and I allowed time for traffic as it was appallingly bad, I resigned myself to the fact that yes, I would miss my first train...The next one was in twenty minutes, but there should be another bus to get me there in there wasn't....PANIC!...

Ran to another bus stop at the other side of the town to catch another bus to take me to the station, but then realised that I had no chance of catching my 2nd train, so plan C was to bus it....all the way home.

Now it usually takes an hour for me to get home, this is 30 minutes waiting for something to come along and 30 minutes on something...

Anyway, I got on a bus which should take me to a town nearer to my own so that I can get a connecting bus, but the bus decides to terminate a town too soon, so I have to wait for another one to get me to the local town, to catch the one to my town!

Thankfully I had a book, and was not too fazed by the whole episode...:)

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