
I met up with one of the guys from the music group to chat about a few ideas for the future. We usually meet in Tillie's café close to where he lives, but I'd suggested Moloughney's for a change, since Carl and I will be going there either tomorrow or Saturday evening to try their 'Festive Deal' menu and we'd arranged this without either of us having been there before. I'm pleased to say that the place passed the suss-out with flying colours (spot the cliché). We spent a very pleasant hour or so over a couple of coffees and rather nice scones, in a very homely atmosphere. I'm definitely looking forward to trying it out for a full meal.

As we sat there we could both hear and see the increasing ferocity of the wind outside (a pair who stopped outside the window for a bit seemed to be having real trouble remaining upright). Nothing daunted, I decided when we parted that I'd use up the remaining time on my pay-and-display ticket with a bit of a bracing walk along the seafront. No wonder that earlier pair were having difficulties! I was buffeted by ridiculously strong winds which made it really difficult to either hold the camera or even stay standing. The tide wasn't as high as at Blackrock two days ago, but the waves were churning nicely all the same. I waited too long before continuing in the direction of the Bull Wall, and had to turn back to rescue the car. Having made the move I abandoned the plan for braving the gale and drove on home instead to a nice cosy little house.

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