Dutchoak's (not so) Daily

By dutchoak

Gingko Biloba

Back to blipping.

I have been busy building a porch
My wife wanted one for her birthday
So I built one, which took up most of my spare time

Frankly, inspiration for a new blip every day was missing, too...

But for now: a deep breath and back to the discipline of a daily garden photo!

A lot has changed, since october. The beech hedges have browned beautifully, I planted a yew hedge; the pears and apples have all been eaten (by either humans, feathered friends or little creeping things), the grapes are fermenting into wine as I write this. There are still roses, but the trees are almost leafless by now.

As a gale blows over the garden, I find a solitary Gingko leaf on the grass. This year, it has really started growing.

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