Baloo and the 3 Rescues

By Iselle

Baloo - 9 Months Old

Wow, where did this year go??

Baloo joined our family as a little puppy around Easter, and now we're only weeks away from Christmas! It's been a good year with far more ups than downs and so much to be thankful for:)

In our blip community we all have cameras to take pictures with, media to upload the pictures we take and literacy to share our moments in a meaningful way... how fortunate are we?!

As we approach the festive season, lets all make an effort to look beyond what we'll be buying friends and family for Christmas and try to make a difference (no matter how small) to the life of somebody less fortunate than ourselves.

Opportunities to make a difference are all around us: All we need to do is look with hearts instead of our eyes:)

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