Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Literally a last minute blip

I've still been suffering badly with the cold today. The Boy kindly popped out to the supermarket to pick up some things for me. I'm quite glad I didn't go with him as they've moved everything around and I may well have cried.

I spent the evening attempting to pack for a trip down home but not getting far. In the end, I gave up and went to bed. I woke with horror realising I hadn't taken a photo, a fumble on my bedside table found my clock... 11:57

Thankfully The Boy had been playing with my camera the other day and had given me an idea for a shot so I lept out of bed, grabbed the camera, grabbed my prop and got snapping. Checking the time stamp afterwards I was within a minute!

This is our xbox controller, we don't have an xbox, The Boy uses it with the PC to play games and over the last few days, I've been using it with my laptop from my comfy chair, tucked up in a blanket to play games.

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