eternal optimist

By eternal

'A cat's a cat and that's that'......

or, Put that camera away you stupid woman!!

I had the urge to blip something gentle and soothing today. Couldn't find anything but the cat, and she's really not gentle at all. Anyway, she'll have to do - but she was fairly scratching scathing of the whole process

Let's have a few cat quotes whilst we're at it

The cat pretends to sleep, the better to see. (Francois-Auguste Rene de Chateaubriand)

The smallest feline is a masterpiece. (Leonardo da Vinci)

Cats don't have to be put on pedestals - they put themselves there. (Anonymous)

Anyone who claims that a cat cannot give a dirty look either has never kept a cat or is singularly unobservant. (Maurice Burton)

Cats Sleep Anywhere

Cats sleep anywhere, any table, any chair.
Top of piano, window-ledge, in the middle, on the edge.
Open drawer, empty shoe, anybody's lap will do.
Fitted in a cardboard box, in the cupboard with your frocks.
Anywhere! They don't care! Cats sleep anywhere.

Eleanor Farjeon (1881 - 1965)

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