Blip Journals #12 Give Me Caffeine....
It's Friday, therefore at 9.30am I fill up the coffee-maker and have that lovely smell of fresh coffee brewing drifting down the stairs as my assistant arrives. It's our Friday treat!
So this was the day I was waiting to link to Give Me Caffeine.... I've always loved that Journal name!
Now I didn't march into our newly refurbished supermarket saying GIVE ME CAFFEINE, but I did take a VIP voucher they'd sent me and when I said I suppose I'm too late to claim my free £5.00 worth of treats (only available to the first 50 customers presenting vouchers today), she said, no, we have some left and handed me a bag.
In the bag were tea-bags, a jar of coffee, a pack of chocolate biscuits AND a bar of chocolate! How good was that?
Trouble sleeping ?
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